California Just Dropped a Bomb on Solar Cost Savings

Your neighbors got a 26% SOLAR TAX CREDIT and are locked into NEM 2.0. Don’t miss your chance to get locked into the same energy savings before NEM 3.0 hits! 

 If you’ve been trying to keep up with your solar neighbors, the clock is ticking. 

On December 15, 2022, the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) unanimously voted to approve NEM 3.0, and it’s going to have a huge impact on your solar power production profits. NEM 3.0 slashes payments for excess solar production (the power you don’t use and send to the utility co.) by 75%!  

“This is set to be the largest cut of export rates in U.S. history in a market that represents roughly 50% of the nation’s residential solar market.” Ryan Kennedy PV Magazine 

Based on the updates, PG&E, SCE and SDG&E customers in California will be greatly impacted by the changes. The main changes are likely to be the following: 

  1. A monthly grid access fee of $15/month when switching to solar.
  2. Electricity export rates (the power you don’t use and send to the utility co.) will go down from an average of $0.30/kWh to $0.08/kWh. 

How bad is this for you? Basically, under NEM 2.0, you could save $2,000 per year, but under NEM 3.0, customers only save about $250 per year on average!  

But there is good news! Homeowners can get grandfathered into NEM 2.0 if they file for interconnection by April 15, 2023, and lock in NEM 2.0 rates for 20 years! 

Beat the rush for Solar before time runs out! Go solar and LOCK IN NEM 2.0. Call us at Net Metering Systems, and we’ll submit a complete interconnection application for you before April 13, 2023.  

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*Dependent on size of system

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